My blog was designed as a timeless option trading tutorial. I intend to keep adding option trading articles on a periodic basis. Each one takes four to six hours to compose and even though the examples might be dated, the information will stand the test of time. Within the blog, you can use the search feature to find specific option trading tutorials. In the Category section you will find a group of articles called, “How To Start Trading Options“. These option trading tutorials identify resources and they help you build your knowledge base. In the next section I teach you “How To Manage Your Trades“. These option trading tutorials will explain certain setups and I will teach you how to adjust your option trades. I believe that in order to be a good option trader, you must first be a good stock trader. In the next section, “Analysis – Technical, Fundamental, Market“, I explain some key concepts for technical and fundamental analysis. I describe gaps, reversals, breakouts, “V Bottoms” and much more in these option trading tutorials. As you read about option trading, you will come across many different approaches. Some are good and some are not. In this next section of my blog, “Option Strategies Good and Bad“, I teach what I’ve learned over the past 20 years. I explain some of the strategies that I use and why they work. I also describe some of the option trading strategies that don’t and I explain why they are flawed. Options are a complex instrument and in the next section, “Option Intricacies – Expiration, Assignment, Volatility…” I describe some of the option trading nuances. Prices move very quickly and you need to know all of the details. In the next section, “Relative Strength/Weakness – My Edge“, I use option trading tutorials to describe my advantage. To be a successful option trader, you must use a systematic approach to increase your odds. In the final category, “How I Trade Options“, the option trading tutorials describe my personal philosophies and methods. I have been involved in almost every facet of option trading during my career and I have formed concrete opinions of what works and what doesn’t. I am forever a student of the market and I try to learn something new everyday. I hope that my option trading tutorials provide you with new insights.

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