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09:31:04 Pete |
PRE-OPEN MARKET COMMENTS WEDNESDAY - The market dropped for three consecutive days and it lost 4% during that move. This is a warning sign and sellers are aggressive. If they weren't, we would not have seen a move like this.... |
09:45:13 Pete |
I had that with Tradier. Had to log off/on and all fine. Issue on Tradier end no doubt @suzannef: OSP price stuck via Tradier and Intrinio, anyone else? View |
09:59:08 Pete |
One long candle means nothing. When you saw that long green your reaction should have been... "let's see if that holds". |
10:16:50 Pete |
I have had issues with Tradier not updating unless I change the chart. Could be an issue with their stream. Couple of reports with that using Intrinio as well. Schwab is fine. |
10:17:38 Pete |
It is possible that Tradier uses Intrinio for a feed. We are checking on it. |
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