Daily Market Analysis
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09:40:35 Pete |
We got a little pullback to test the bid again. I think the best course of action is to look for strong stocks. I would not enter until we have confirmation of support. |
09:54:33 Pete |
The volume has been decent. That means we should have some movement today |
10:20:26 Pete |
Yes, Chinese stocks do look strong. Lot's of stimulus going on there. PDD looks great. I would still wait for a dip. |
10:50:15 Pete |
The volume has been decent. The move lower had a lot more red candles than green which is bearish. There was some overlap, but the volume was steady and heavy. Because the drop has been fairly steep, we should get... |
11:12:35 Pete |
As you look through the searches you will notice that the bearish searches have more candidates than they've had in the last few weeks. |
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