Daily Market Analysis
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09:33:43 Pete |
Exit Short SOUN $11.72 for $.03 gain. My initial entry was not good yesterday. I still liked the D1 for the stock, but I am trying to stay sidelined and focus on day trades. I was able to add at a lower... |
10:02:32 Pete |
Had to check to see if this is another holiday. Nope, the market is open. |
10:04:32 Pete |
Very true. I used to enjoy destroying a few brain cells. Now I am trying to preserve the ones I have left. @ShKalash: That's what happens when you get older, hangovers last longer · @Pete: Had to check to see... |
10:08:26 Pete |
Working on it. @ShKalash: 1OP / RRS aren't updating on my end. just me? View |
10:11:00 Pete |
SEDG nice breakout post earn. Needs to settle in and preserve the gap. This has all solar stocks up this AM |
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