Daily Market Analysis


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Review our intraday commentary to learn how we interpret price action and build a market narrative.

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PRE-OPEN MARKET COMMENTS FRIDAY - This week the market has been able to fend off bad news. The drop from a hotter than expected CPI was snapped up Wednesday. Yesterday's PPI was also hotter than expected and the market didn't...
The market will always make you question your thesis. "Why am I bearish when the market clearly wants to move higher? What did I get wrong?" If your thesis is flimsy, you will be wrong more than you are right...
I'm quite confident that I am seeing things very clearly. I am not going to chase a breakout. That is what FOMO Joe would do. He has been waiting for a move one way or the other and now he...
When you are still working on your market analysis, these moments are a metal mind @#$%. You're not really sure what you are supposed to be looking at and you are not really sure what you got wrong. You are...