Daily Market Analysis
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09:51:25 Pete |
I'm back. Nice stacked green candles on the open with little to no overlap. That is a sign that buyers are interested and that they feel this was an over-reaction to "one bad number". I am staying the course. I... |
09:52:19 Pete |
Nice market bounce off of the 50-day |
09:54:31 Pete |
I base my decisions off of SPY. @ShKalash: Question @Pete When you are trading /ES are you looking at the SMAs on /ES or on SPY? asking since on /ES we broke the 50sma, but SPY is above it View |
10:02:36 Pete |
By now you all know I am pretty bearish. This is just a big waiting game for economic conditions to deteriorate. No, I am not looking forward to that. I don't like it when people are out of work and... |
10:03:07 Pete |
I am looking to add to my short and I plan to add < 50-day MA |
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