Daily Market Analysis
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10:24:48 Pete |
I've been searching for trades. Seeing some OK patterns, but nothing compelling. |
10:39:16 Pete |
This is a wimpy rally. It doesn't mean the market can't go higher, but I would not have an issue shorting here. I would just need to find the right stock and that is the bigger issue. |
10:41:23 Pete |
Financials have been soft today and AXP had a bear expl alert. Keeping an eye on that sector. |
10:42:41 Pete |
Agree. Earn this week. SKX reported last week and tanked. NKE and DECK also weak so footware in general weak @Hariseldon: CROX is one of the best shorts I see · @Pete: This is a wimpy rally. It doesn't mean... |
10:58:19 Pete |
On every long green candle to a new hod we evaluate the long green. That is a reference point. If it is easily erased after a wimpy bounce, that is a sign of resistance. If it sticks and there is... |
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