Daily Market Analysis
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09:33:43 Pete |
PRE-OPEN MARKET COMMENTS FRIDAY - The market has been trading in a horizontal range and a very large news cycle just passed without incident. This will embolden buyers.The jobs report came in a little light today, but when you factor... |
09:36:48 Pete |
You can make money on either side and we've proven that during the week. You just have to pick a side and know the patterns that are consistent with taking those trades. |
10:02:18 Pete |
Because you are patiently waiting for a set up, you avoided pain. |
10:03:52 Pete |
Short GOOG $188.68 |
10:08:39 Pete |
If you look at the drop yesterday and the instant rebound, it is a sign that programs are dominating the action. The volume is light and they are whipping the market around at will. Your only chance to make money... |
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