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09:33:57 Pete |
PRE-OPEN MARKET COMMENTS THURSDAY - The market is searching for a catalyst and it has been trapped in a trading range for the last month. In the last week we've had mega cap tech earnings, an FOMC statement, the threat... |
09:56:26 Pete |
First move today is wimpy gap up. I am watching for resistance and a move into the gap. I would short that. |
09:57:32 Pete |
Short CPRI $22.60. Leaning on resistance at the 50-day. I will add on a new lod if the market is soft. |
10:01:59 Pete |
Short CPRI $22.36 add. $22.48 ave. |
10:08:34 Pete |
CPRI I have bids layered lower to take gains. If the stock hits an air pocket on the way down I want to take some gains. |
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