Daily Market Analysis
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09:39:25 Pete |
Thank you. My daily comments are all archived. Find a big market move on a chart. If there was a big overnight gap, read my comments the day before the move. If the big move unfolded during the day, read... |
10:01:35 Pete |
That was a soft number. Now that it is out of the way you can consider taking trades. |
10:02:16 Pete |
I wouldn't say that. I am short futures at a lower price before the open. I just feel very comfortable being on that side. @a-dri-en: @Pete: was spot on with the first move down :) View |
10:03:34 Pete |
If we do test the downside we have about 20 points to the 50-day MA so there is room |
10:05:49 Pete |
Exit /ES 3032 for small 2 pt gain. I put that on before the open and had to take a little heat. Nice big drop so I exited and now I will evaluate if I want to short. |
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