Daily Market Analysis
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09:44:22 Pete |
Short JPM Jan (31) $265 puts @ $1.35. I am going to leg into the straddle I posted in the Sun video. My thinking is that the market is going to chop around today and it is filling some of the... |
09:48:20 Pete |
The problem with legging in is two-fold. One is that you might have to pay more to enter the straddle because you got into the wrong side first. The other is that if your leg was successful, you will be... |
09:50:18 Pete |
I am bidding a ridiculous $1.65 for the $265 calls. Let's see what happens. |
10:01:50 Pete |
Long JPM Jan (31) 265 calls $2.65. So I entered the straddle for $4. Tiny position, but I thought I would put it on so I can track it. The market was bouncing and the stock found support. The entry was... |
10:16:23 Pete |
We want to blow through the high of the day right here and right now. Then we have a chance to build some momentum as we try to fill the gap from yesterday. |
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