Daily Market Analysis
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09:47:52 Pete |
From a short standpoint, I want to see a meager attempt at a gap fill. Very tenuous like we are seeing now. Then a long red candle of of the high. That would get me interested and I might take... |
09:49:19 Pete |
The key to trading early is urgency. One side or the other has to express a sense of urgency. If you don't get that, you wait. Most of the time... we wait. |
09:57:16 Pete |
"Pete, where do you get your information?" People ask me this as if there is a one stop shop. I read everything and I look everywhere. I spend hours a day doing this especially when conditions seem to be changing.... |
10:01:03 Pete |
A short is setting up |
10:01:30 Pete |
Short /ES 6117 starter |
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