Daily Market Analysis
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09:42:47 Pete |
This is the type of stubborn price action we want to see during the bid check. |
09:47:29 Pete |
If you are buying short-term option premium the odds are stacked against you. Don't do it! There's nothing worse than being right and having your options expire before the move. In particular, never buy short term options on choppy stocks... |
09:48:50 Pete |
The longer this compression lasts, the more it demonstrates that buyers are engaged. They are supporting the gap up and eventually they will exhaust the supply of stock by profit takers. |
09:52:26 Pete |
ANET nice. I would set an M5 alert for VWAP and another for HA Rev |
09:54:37 Pete |
Long /ES 6118. Won't add |
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