Daily Market Analysis
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09:31:27 Pete |
PRE-OPEN MARKET COMMENTS WEDNESDAY - Bull markets die hard. The long-term trend has been higher and buying dips has worked. The pullback to the 100-day MA attracted some buyers Monday and the SPY is back above the 100-day MA. Your... |
09:37:47 Pete |
Short /ES $5960.5 |
09:40:06 Pete |
This candle needs to finish near its low. If not, I have to use caution |
09:40:43 Pete |
I have a small starter on if we make a new hod, I will close it down and I won't think twice about it |
09:43:17 Pete |
Nice, good solid shorts are probably a week away. We need to see this bounce try to get higher D1 and struggle to do so. If you are an Asset Manager and you don't like what you see ahead, the... |
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