Daily Market Analysis
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09:30:53 Pete |
From my swing shorting perspective, it was a bullet dodged. Good news sparked a negative reaction. That is what I wanted to see and it emboldens me to add to a swing short position in the future. |
09:32:27 Pete |
From a day trading perspective, we want to see that $585 support cracked easily and then follow through selling. I don't feel that from a day trading standpoint you need to dive in. I am expecting to see some bounces.... |
09:33:37 Pete |
I would encourage you to start looking for some potential swing shorts. You might enter them today or it could be on a bounce next week. We'll have to see what plays out today. |
09:33:55 Pete |
I will be in the room until we get some sense of direction. |
09:41:09 Pete |
This candle was important and it has completed. Two reds and new lod. If you have a good short lined up, take a starter. |
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