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09:31:34 Pete |
For those of you just checking in, I am short 10 points lower. You should always be in the practice of looking back at posts that happened after hours since the close yesterday |
09:47:54 Pete |
For my pre-open scenario to play out, we needed volume. We don't have any. |
09:51:22 Pete |
/ES 5933 bid. I am cool hanging on to the short. If we get a quick drop to the lod from yesterday, I will take it. Without volume this is going to be choppy today and I can wait to... |
09:54:08 Pete |
Exit /ES 5933 for 5+ pt gain. |
09:55:42 Pete |
Batting 1000 for the year. Time to do some writing. Then I have to get ready for the live event. No volume, no movement. TLT bouncing. |
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