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09:35:05 Pete |
PRE-OPEN MARKET COMMENTS FRIDAY - I don't like what I see and I feel a considerable drop is coming. My biggest concern is a credit crisis that starts in China. It's been smoldering for years and it is starting to... |
09:51:07 Pete |
If this long green gets instantly erased, I will short (day trade). That would be the headfake into the gap that gets dip buyers excited |
09:52:37 Pete |
The volume is light so this is not a time to go out on a limb. I only know what bullish specs are thinking right now and I feel a trap will be set for them. If I'm wrong, I... |
09:55:47 Pete |
Short /ES $6046 starter |
09:55:59 Pete |
Will add on lod |
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