Daily Market Analysis
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10:02:51 Pete |
Doji, doji, doji, doji. If you combine the long red M5 and the long green M5 you have an M10 doji. We are not going anywhere today. |
13:39:40 Pete |
There won't be many search results when the volume is minuscule. In the last 7 trading sessions we've also had a big drop and bounce so there is no thyme or reason to anything. You are not going to have... |
13:40:17 Pete |
We are trying to fly a kite with no wind by trading right now. |
13:45:45 Pete |
If you are using RVol, there is no volume. |
15:46:14 Pete |
At least today we had a dip and we could lean into that a little. We will do this again tomorrow. |
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