Daily Market Analysis
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09:33:57 Pete |
PRE-OPEN MARKET COMMENTS FED-DAY - We don't have any market momentum heading into the FOMC Statement. The market has been trapped in a tight range the last two weeks and the volume has been light. Asset Managers are not excited near... |
09:49:40 Pete |
The key this morning is to find stocks with a great D1 and heavy volume. The tech giants are not likely to make sustained moves, but you might find some sustained movement in smaller cap stocks that have been "hot". |
09:51:31 Pete |
The stock will have to do all the work. After the FOMC statement, mega cap tech might have the fuel they need to move. Before that, I would not count on it. Nice looking moves are likely to reverse because... |
09:59:27 Pete |
The only alerts that would trigger after hours are the EOD/GTC alert lines. Those are handled client side. Your alternative is to set price alerts (right click). Those are held server side and they won't trigger AH. @proph3t: Question Is there... |
10:08:26 Pete |
There are dozens of tumblers that have to line up. Any one of them could have kept the lock from opening. Maybe the market softened, maybe the dip in the stock was deeper than we would like. Maybe the stock... |
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