Daily Market Analysis


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PRE-OPEN MARKET COMMENTS FRIDAY - Since the start of the month the market has been trapped in a tight trading range and the volume has been light. The 20-day Average True Range (ATR) has dropped by 50% and option implied...
Good morning. I have a /ES short on and I am underwater by 10 pts. I will let you know when I get out. Small position so not even remotely concerned.
Since I'm short /ES, I can speak from that perspective. What do I want? I wanted two nice long red candles into the gap closing on their low and that filled most of the overnight gap. Shucks, I didn't get...
My internal sensors tell me you are all fairly bullish. Shit, Pete's sounding the alarm and I'm still bullish. Maybe he's wrong this time. We'll see, I'm still going to favor the long side. "I sure as hell am not...
The up trend is strong and this battleship will be hard to turn. Know that I am early. It doesn't do you any good if I tell you to be cautious when the market has corrected 10%. I am warning...