Daily Market Analysis
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09:31:37 Pete |
PRE-OPEN MARKET COMMENTS THURSDAY - As I prepare for 2025, I start gathering information. It's important for me to see both sides of the coin so I try not to have a bias when I analyze the data. When I... |
09:42:49 Pete |
The ECB cut rates by 25 basis points - expected. |
09:49:50 Pete |
I am looking for a nice long red bar thru the lod and into the gap from yesterday. I would short that. |
09:51:00 Pete |
The gap down was a sign of weakness. We didn't gradually drift down here, we went right to it. If there was going to be an immediate bounce, the first candle would have been green, not red |
09:52:33 Pete |
At this stage I am just gathering information. If you feel that a gap down in an upward trending market is a gift and that you should focus on the long side first, I would agree with that logic. |
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