Daily Market Analysis
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09:34:42 Pete |
First candle is long and red. That is a splash of cold water and it is a sign that any bounce is going to be challenged. We don't need to read too much into it, but it is a puzzle... |
09:41:09 Pete |
Buy the dip yesterday. TSLA boom. Nice Dave |
09:48:57 Pete |
On a day when the market sold off RDDT held strong. I like it. |
09:58:38 Pete |
No market direction yet. Couple of long reds have my attention. Those need to be quickly erased. If not, it will be a sign that we will test the low from Mon. |
10:27:58 Pete |
That last long green candle poked thru to a new hod and it rallied above the open of the long red candle. We need immediate follow thru here. If we drop below the open of the last long green we... |
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