Daily Market Analysis
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09:32:23 Pete |
PRE-OPEN MARKET COMMENTS FRIDAY - As expected, the jobs report came in strong. There were 227K jobs created in the month of November and that is better than expected (202K). The storms and strikes are over and this result is... |
09:32:32 Pete |
The S&P 500 rallied about 15 points after the release. It is still below the high from yesterday. From a bullish perspective, we want to see the market move through that level with ease on the first attempt. If it... |
09:39:15 Pete |
The odds that we get thru the hod from Thurs are good. |
09:40:57 Pete |
It's best if we spend a little time below that level (20-30 min). That gives programs a chance to test the bid. Once we're sure there is support, we want to blow thru the high from Thurs with ease. Follow... |
09:42:35 Pete |
No FOMO. You are in control. We've seen chop this week and there is some selling pressure. Buyers are not aggressive. Let's make sure we have support. I've given you the pattern we want. Now let's see if we get... |
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