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09:38:33 Pete |
PRE-OPEN MARKET COMMENTS - WEDNESDAY. Flat open and we are sitting at the all-time high. Economic numbers non-event. Second look at GDP and PCE. All markets down slightly and China higher. Look for a bid check. The smaller the pullback,... |
10:57:10 Pete |
Steady drift lower, distancing from VWAP. Long green candle. If it can't hold it will be a solo and the attempt to get back to VWAP will be thwarted. That means we are heading lower with that pattern. If we... |
11:03:36 Pete |
Market is about to test the lod from Tues. I am going to do some writing. I have an article on VWAP that I might finish today. |
12:12:38 Pete |
Do you guys remember this pattern? |
12:13:35 Pete |
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