Daily Market Analysis
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09:30:38 Pete |
PRE-OPEN MARKET COMMENTS TUESDAY - Biden has given the Ukraine permission to fire long-range missiles into Russia. This is going to pull the US further into the conflict and the market doesn't like it. Without aide from the US, the... |
09:40:01 Pete |
I like RDDT Be patient and wait for market support. You might get a pullback in the stock while you wait. I would have no issue bidding for a starter long at $132. The stock has great volume. |
09:42:56 Pete |
I am also seeing a couple of nice green candles into the gap. That is what I wanted. I don't have the clarity yet to say that we are going to fly into the gap, but I would be willing... |
09:43:58 Pete |
Price alert set RDDT $132 |
09:53:32 Pete |
"Pete you $%^& up. The market is going down." Look at RDDT. The stock is up. That is the beauty of trading relative strength. We have cushion if we pick the best stocks. |
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