Daily Market Analysis
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09:33:57 Pete |
Good morning. Every one of you should scroll back and read my comments on Dave's FI trade and the annotated charts. This is an important lesson and a live example of how you should be trading. Every day you should... |
14:41:56 Pete |
I'm here, I just don't have anything to add. The market has been continuing the post election rally. We took starter swing longs yesterday and we have a good entry. We waited to see what the Fed reaction is. There... |
15:54:58 Pete |
We've had a couple of gaps up and I would not be inclined to add to swing trades today. We could see a bigger reaction overnight and that might spark a little profit taking. The reaction was pretty muted. In... |
15:56:13 Pete |
Obviously, the exception would be a longer term swing that is just getting going thru a breakout and that is on its hod on heavy volume. |
15:56:43 Pete |
You might take a starter long in those because the move is just getting started. |
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