Daily Market Analysis
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09:30:41 Pete |
PRE-OPEN MARKET COMMENTS FRIDAY - This has been a busy week for economic and earnings releases and they will impact market direction into year end. Earnings season is hitting stride and we've heard from mega cap tech companies. The reaction has... |
09:35:27 Pete |
I will be around this morning and I will provide market commentary when I see something setting up. |
09:46:31 Pete |
With 1OP spiking, I would not be inclined to buy here. I want to see some of the upcoming bearish cycle. |
09:51:49 Pete |
At minimum, SPY needs to hold the open from this morning during the bear cycle. If it can do that it is a sign that buyers are supporting the gap up and the news. Anything below that open and we... |
10:07:09 Pete |
Red candles like the last one are good. If they are long and deep while forming, you want to see a nice long tail. If they finish long and red, you want to see a nice green candle right after... |
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