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10:14:49 Pete |
FYI DDOG $115/110 BPS from video looks in range. |
10:16:20 Pete |
If you are looking to sell BPS, be aware of earnings dates and make sure they expire before earnings. I would also not go past Nov 1 expiration due to FOMC and election |
10:52:03 Pete |
Really nice D1 on MSTR. I set VWAP alert and Trade Signal M5 alert. Sooner or later it will pullback @JBS: MSTR above 3/27 H- TL and challenging the high from 7/29 View |
10:58:15 Pete |
If you want to play it safe, you can wait for this bearish 1OP cycle to run. If there is no damage, you can take some starter longs. I would be ok taking starter longs here if you have a... |
11:31:22 Pete |
Sorry. busy with other stuff, but did get the MSTR alert for VWAP. That was a nice entry |
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