Daily Market Analysis
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09:32:33 Pete |
PRE-OPEN MARKET COMMENTS - To quote the Talking Heads, "Same as it ever was." Gap up to a new all-time high. Bid check in the first half of the day. Once support is confirmed, A gradual move higher. The volume... |
09:43:22 Pete |
Short EAT $65.35. This is a fairly illiquid stock, but I liked the chart. I started offering as soon as I saw the stock and the market opened. I had orders layered higher up and only 3 filled. I set an... |
09:49:22 Pete |
Exit EAT $63.35 for $2 gain for 1/3 of position |
09:50:51 Pete |
Some people call this scalping... I don't. This might have been a quick trade, but $2 is hardly a scalp. The stock simply did what it was supposed to... fast |
09:54:28 Pete |
I had an LRSI alert set for CCJ and I just got alerted > .8 M15 This is a mining stock. No need to chase. Buy dips and set those alerts @Ajrob85: CCJ strong out of the gates View |
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