Daily Market Analysis
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09:41:48 Pete |
If you are swing trading, you have to be able to take some heat. You did your analysis and you have conviction. You can't get rattled every time the stock moves against you. This is a longer-term position and we... |
09:44:48 Pete |
1OP is spiking and the market is down. I would not take any longs until the upcoming bearish cycle runs. For longs you would want to see support form well above the low from yesterday. If you are looking at... |
09:48:23 Pete |
Market easily took out the low from Fri and Mon. That is bearish. |
10:36:14 Pete |
Financials weak today XLF |
10:48:25 Pete |
We are a little more than an hour into trading. The take away is that there is good volatility ahead of the Fed. Buyers and sellers are active. We don't have a bullish cross yet, but we are in the... |
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