Daily Market Analysis


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Gap up reversed and the bearish cycle is completing. No need to rush into trades. See if the gap fills completely as the cycle concludes.
Nice bullish cross and the market is floating up to the high of day. I like the long side. Market not likely to do much so keep that in mind. 
Good to be out of banks ahead of FOMC. Those stocks will need good jobs numbers and reassurance from the Fed that they will cut if econ growth is slowing. Uncertain if they will get that so best to be...
These LPTE days are tough. I told you in the Sun video this was likely. Tues could also be dead. Wed - Fri should be good. 
When I take kids fishing for the first time I like to take them when the conditions are optimal. If they catch fish, they will be "hooked". Unfortunately, they think that fishing is always like that. They want to do...