Daily Market Analysis
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09:30:14 Pete |
PRE-OPEN MARKET COMMENTS FRIDAY - The market has been able to hold the losses from the long red candles. Typically on a big move lower, the market will rest the next day. Back-to-back sell-offs are fairly rare. When we get... |
10:04:24 Pete |
The market has been moving and I have been providing you with more intraday price action analysis than usual. I am going to step that back a bit. We need to see signs of support. Every rally will be challenged.... |
12:29:11 Pete |
15:42:58 Pete |
When the market is in a strong trend, you trade as if it is going to continue. You lighten up on risk when you see the upward momentum stall and you wait. This is what we did on the first... |
15:43:18 Pete |
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