Daily Market Analysis
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09:47:27 Pete |
Watch for signs of resistance. No hurry. You can already tell fromthe first 15 min the action is going to be pretty dull |
10:14:11 Pete |
SPY gap filled |
11:15:30 Pete |
We have filled the gap and I like the resistance I am seeing at this level. Some wicks and the move higher was gradual with mixed overlapping candles. I believe a short is setting up here. |
11:17:25 Pete |
We are in the gap from Friday so we need to use a little caution. Let's make sure the upside is contained. Another bearish hammer off of another attempt at a hod would be good. A red candle thru $385.60... |
11:28:18 Pete |
This is the price action we want! |
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