Daily Market Analysis
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09:52:48 Pete |
I like that the market has been able to hold half of the gap. No instant gap reversal is mildly bullish |
09:56:31 Pete |
As someone expecting bullish price action today, I would want to see some of this bearish cycle. If it is benign and the lod holds, I would be fairly confident taking longs |
09:57:48 Pete |
I would not feel the urgency to jump the gun. The selling pressure recently has been heavy. |
09:58:19 Pete |
For those of you who might have a more bearish bias, this bearish cycle and an easy gap fill would be all you need to take shorts |
10:10:24 Pete |
My mistake. ISM serve not released until Tues. Working remotely and I am a fish out of water |
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