Watch These Stocks Today – Keep Your Trading To A Minimum

December 22, 2016
Author: Peter Stolcers, Founder of OneOption

Posted 9:00 AM ET - May you and your family be blessed this holiday season! Trading volumes are extremely light and stocks that look great on the open fade quickly. This is a low probability trading environment and you should trim your size and activity. The market is dead in the water and bid/ask spreads are wide. The good news is that 2017 will be an excellent year for trading. Donald Trump will take office and his policies will change dramatically from the last eight years. Interest rates are rising and the market has broken out of its range. Uncertainty is great for trading and there will be many opportunities. Keep your powder dry and try not to trade. MU, CLVS and WTW are the only longs I am watching this morning and I might not trade. I do not plan on trading Friday so I will not be posting market comments. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah! . . image

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