Daily Market Analysis
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09:30:38 Pete |
Lots of discussion about why Hari told us not to trade. The better question is, "Why did Pete encourage us to trade?" I should not have. Waiting is always best. |
09:41:27 Pete |
We want to see this bearish cycle produce. We will get the cross soon and taking out the loy on the first shot will give us good movement today |
09:55:03 Pete |
A FOMO trader could have jumped on that nice long red candle right away thinking that the market was going to tank after the PCE. They are getting flushed out now. Once this sht sqz is over, we will see... |
09:56:13 Pete |
This bounce is also helping us filter out the "real McCoy's". RW will be easier to spot now. |
09:59:59 Pete |
This is a small resistance level from Thurs. We have a bearish hammer off of the hod. If we can chew thru $362 (half of long green candle) I will start considering a short. |
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