Daily Market Analysis
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10:30:40 Pete |
Bears want to see these attempts at a bounce keep getting hammered down. If this is a benign bullish cycle, the next bearish cross will be good. The long green candle was slapped down instantly and we have still not... |
10:41:06 Pete |
So far this price action is exactly what the bears want. Early in the day bearish specs will load up. The attempt to spark a short covering bounce failed and that is a sign that sellers are not letting the... |
10:46:10 Pete |
We should take out the lod here |
11:01:55 Pete |
If you were going to draw up the ideal cycle for bears, you just saw it. That instant reversal of that long green candle was a big clue. No short covering bounce tells us that institutions are keeping the pressure... |
11:08:25 Pete |
This is going to be a gradual drift lower today. It will test your patience because every time there is a move lower, it will retrace. Eventually, bulls will throw in the towel and the retracements will be smaller and... |
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