Daily Market Analysis
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10:03:02 Pete |
I like this breakout on DOCU on heavy volume. I would like to see it clear the high from yesterday and stay above it. |
10:11:44 Pete |
SPY is hitting a resistance level from last week. The early price action has been pretty wimpy and we have a bearish 1OP cycle here. I would wait for some of it to run before buying. Let's see if it... |
10:13:15 Pete |
I like the H- breakout on NVDA and that could be my pick during the live event today |
10:15:00 Pete |
I mentioned ORCL yesterday. I like it. Don't chase that long green candle. Watch to see what happens during the next few bars. You want half of it preserved |
10:43:08 Pete |
SPY very close to all-time high. |
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