Daily Market Analysis
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09:36:03 Pete |
PRE-OPEN MARKET COMMENTS TUESDAY - Major news events will hit the market in the next week. Traders have been waiting patiently and that is why the market has not moved much. After the close today, Google will report earnings. Meta and... |
09:39:24 Pete |
I am using the Tradier API and my charts are frozen. I suspect they are having issues. Remember, Intrinio is your back-up |
09:56:12 Pete |
MARA nice breakout > 200-day MA |
10:01:12 Pete |
JOLTS a little light, but no market impact |
10:02:59 Pete |
This all feels pretty good to me. The low today was above the low from yesterday and we bounced instantly from it. We made a new hod and we are in the gap with a bullish 1OP cross. |
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