Daily Market Analysis
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09:33:47 Pete |
PRE-OPEN MARKET COMMENTS TUESDAY - Yesterday the market bounced after a heavy day of selling and it is up this morning. The SPY is within striking distance of the 50-day MA and it is likely to be tested this morning.... |
09:36:10 Pete |
LULU alert triggered |
10:05:50 Pete |
Autos weak (CVNA, GM). Basic mat weak |
10:27:51 Pete |
Pretty sloppy price action. Yes, we did test the downside first and shorts had the highest odds of producing the best profits. However, one long red candle is not much to lean on. No follow thru. The price action is... |
10:32:17 Pete |
The last 4 M5 candles on SPY characterize the price action in the last month. Big move down, sit. Big bounce. Repeat. |
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