Daily Market Analysis
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09:30:22 Pete |
PRE-OPEN MARKET COMMENTS FRIDAY - The market broke out to a new all-time high after the Fed's 50 basis point rate cut. The technicals and fundamentals are bullish at this stage. It is typical for breakouts to be tested and... |
09:33:51 Pete |
I like CRWD, but no rush. |
09:47:37 Pete |
"Pete said he likes CRWD. It is > VWAP. I think I will set and alert for > VWAP. The stock will have to close below it and then I will get and alert when it closes above VWAP. Then... |
09:49:20 Pete |
Any time you find a great stock early in the day when the market is undecided you set alerts. It is just a matter of time until it triggers. You don't have to FOMO. If they never trigger it's OK.... |
09:56:48 Pete |
Stubborn little drift lower. Nothing too threatening, but we are in a bullish 1OP cycle and we are in the gap from yesterday. I do not see any reason to get long. We could keep drifting lower. The only thing... |
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