Daily Market Analysis
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09:31:28 Pete |
LLY alert triggered. < 100-day MA |
09:31:40 Pete |
ABNB alert triggered. In D1 gap |
09:34:29 Pete |
I will only be around for another hour or so. |
09:48:56 Pete |
Very interesting times for TSLA. Investors are already discounting importance of car sales and they are focusing more on all of the other potential rev sources for TSLA (robo taxi, charging stations, AI, Optimus...). News for automakers was weak today... |
10:15:39 Pete |
We have a bullish 1OP cross. We want to see SPY get through the hod. It does not have to travel far. If that doesn't happen the next bearish cycle will produce and we are likely to test AVWAPQ. |
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