Daily Market Analysis
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09:31:44 Pete |
PRE-OPEN MARKET COMMENTS THURSDAY - The market has been very strong the last few weeks, but the rally has come on light volume. That is not bearish, but it is a sign that the level of conviction is low. We've... |
09:53:28 Pete |
You can see how the market is struggling to advance on good news. We have a bearish 1OP cross coming. Let's see what it brings. |
10:04:19 Pete |
COST with a nasty earnings reversal. Could see some profit taking at this level. Expensive stock with wide option bid/ask so tough to trade |
10:13:08 Pete |
Bearish engulf off of the hod. I would not take longs here with a bearish 1OP cross |
10:17:19 Pete |
Notice how the volume this morning is good as well. |
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