Daily Market Analysis


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PRE-OPEN MARKET COMMENTS TUESDAY – Wow, the market does go down. After a powerful five month rally we forgot what red candles look like. Here’s what is happening and how we should prepare ourselves. Bonds (TLT) are breaching major horizontal...
Good morning!
What bulls want is a few nice long green candles that erase the first few candles and that get right into the gap. That would be a sign that buyers are anxious to buy this dip. Unfortunately, I don't think...
The drop in TLT is significant and that will keep the pressure on. Buyers have been passive and there is no reason for them to stick their necks out today. Overseas markets were mixed. Asia up a bit and EU...
Our worst case scenario as short-term traders is a market that is as flat as a pancake. We've had to deal with that for a few weeks. Rejoice!! We are finally getting some movement. The farther we drop, the better...