This Is How You Can Get My Market Comments Before the Opeining Bell

December 7, 2013
Author: Peter Stolcers, Founder of OneOption

Before I write my market comments for this blog, I post them in the 1Option trading platform. It is rated the #1 software analysis tool by Interactive Brokers customers. The 1Option Platform was launched in August 2012. Features are continually added and it just keeps getting better. This is not your run of the mill platform. This research is proprietary and you can't get it anywhere else. Would you like to know which groups are performing the best/worst the day after the companies announce earnings? Would you also like to know which company in that group is about to announce? This is valuable information and it is one small example of what you'll find in the platform. Wednesday night I conducted a webinar. I used the platform to find some great trades. Watch the webinar and you will see how well these trades have done in just 2 days. WATCH THE WEBINAR . . .image . . Interactive Brokers customers can interface and pull real-time quotes into the platform. They can also route orders and configure the systems to auto-execute trades. The 1Option Platform is Rated the #1 Software Analysis Tool by Interactive Brokers customers. This bonus is only being offered to new customers. Subscribe to the platform before December 8th and I'll push your renewal date back 30 days. That is a 33% bonus. The quarterly subscription is $59.95. With the 30-day extension you will have it for 120 days - that brings the cost down to less than $.50 per day. Don't let fifty cents come between you and the trades you saw in the video. Sign-up today. GET THE 1OPTION PLATFORM NOW! . .

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