Daily Market Analysis


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BTW, I am still long /ES on a swing basis. I will post my exit. I plan to hold and I might add if I like what I see. 
I like what I see so far. Bid check, bullish hammer off of lod and we just rallied above the open from the long red candle and we are in the gap. The pullback was small before finding support. If...
These compilation videos take forever to put together. Been at this for 5 hours. I have been watching the market thru the corner of my eye. We are seeing signs of support and the retracement was very minor during a...
If 1OP has a deep trough and the SPY preserves the lod with some tails under body, a bullish hammer or a bullish engulf off of the lod, I will consider buying a bullish cross. i am not very motivated...
Little volume on that last green bar. I want to see it continue and I want to make steady progress to the hod. Need to preserve half of the green candle. 