1.1.2 (2023-04-18) ### Added - Scanner auto-refresh countdown animation - EMA(8) and VWAP to charts ### Changed - General design improvements ### Fixed - SPY overlay realtime updates - Holiday filter - Custom Scan editor save process 1.1.1 (2022-11-01) ### Added - Chart resize feature (draggable element) - In-app sign out - URL params to hide header/footer: ?header=hide&footer=hide - Category grouping to Custom Scanners ### Changed - List organization on Lists page and List modals - Expanded charts and reduced margins - Removed 1OVol constraints - Notifications framework & styles ### Fixed - Trade signal update bug - Horizontal chart alignment - OS Chat scrolling & new message counter 1.1.0 (2022-10-01) ### Added - Reload price data - Full feature chat room - SPY overlay - Columns to lists - Remember bear/bull tab state - Color customizability - Auto detect keyboard events to change chart timeframe and symbol - Auto show new bulletin when released - Logarithmic scale to charts - Ability to click list name to change/view different list - Persistent scroll position - 1OVol to 1OP chart area for SPY ### Changed - Update number of bars on initial load - Allow user to define chart symbol without waiting for SPY load - Removed max width ### Fixed - Preconfigured scanner sorting 1.0.2 (2022-08-21) ### Added - Edit custom search feaure - Duplicate/copy custom search feature ### Changed - Modal styles - 1OVol displays in histogram: Values <0 show as 0 - 1OSI styles: Green > 0, Red < 0 ### Fixed - Opening bar bug - Data connections improved - Custom search now saves when no results 1.0.1 (2022-07-18) ### Added - Sort feature to all lists - New custom search filter (No ETFs) - Scanner descriptions - Copy shareable link button - List auto-refresh - Welcome notification ### Changed - Adjust chart default zoom ### Fixed - Real-time data hub updates - Daily chart date